"Depends on the Weather"
* Option 1. Good weather
If the weather is nice, join Fred outside for:
"Archery and Practical Project Management"
Targets, Bows, Arrows. Aiming, Shooting, Adjusting.
WARNING: Deadly Weapons!
Fred Henry Williams began shooting bows and arrows at
the age of 13. He has taught archery to more than 200
men, women, and children...most of whom have survived.
* Option 2. Bad weather
If everyone is miserable because of bad weather, Fred
Williams will lead a discussion on:
"Technology: Good, Bad...and Evil"
We who create products, systems, methods...are not so
innocent. It's moral decision to say, "I'm not
responsible for what the end users do".
Our work can be used for evil. Where do we draw the
line, and refuse to make evil products?
Fred Henry Williams is a humorous contrarian, who dares
ask the uncomfortable questions.
"When it went off...we thought of Alfred Nobel, and his
hope, his vain hope, that dynamite would put an end to
wars. We thought of the legend of Prometheus, of that
deep sense of guilt in man's new powers, that reflects
his recognition of evil, and his long knowledge of it."
- J. Robert Oppenheimer
Director of the Manhattan Project
Komu je přednáška určena?
Option 1. Archery is for everyone.*
Option 2. Anyone who recognizes the existence of a moral dimension in developing technology. Pluse all those who dispute the existence of a moral dimension in developing technology.**
* Except for some people who really shouldn't be allowed knowledge of ancient weapons that shoot sharpened titanium sticks with stored kinetic energy.
** Everyone.
Přednáška se nekonala.
Fred Williams
Bio: Fred Henry Williams has taught archery to more than 200 men, women, and children...most of whom have survived.
Stav hlasování: 8 hlasů